The men and women of Genesee County, New York, who died in service during World War I
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Herman R Andrews — Batavia
Private First Class, Machine Gun Co, 319th Infantry, 80th Division. Killed in action at Bois la Ville, near Vilosnes-sur-Meuse, France, September 27, 1918. Age 22.
Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery, Romagne, France
Dr John D Arnett — Pavili
Lieutenant, Medical Reserve Corps. Killed in action while tending to casualties at a dressing station in Berthen, France, April 16, 1918. Age 29.
Flanders Field American Cemetery, Waregem, Belgium
Clifford A Barber — Batavia
Private First Class, Co H, 4th Infantry, 3rd Division. Died of diphtheria at an embarkation hospital at Camp Stuart, Newport News, Virginia, February 3, 1918. Age 20.
Alexander Village Cemetery, Alexander, NY
Edward W Barry — Batavia
Private, Co I, 311th Infantry, 78th Division. Died October 26, 1918 of wounds received in action near Grandpré, France. Distinguished Service Cross. Age 28.
Grand View Cemetery, Batavia, NY
Albert Beary — Batavia
Private First Class, Co A, 108th Infantry, 27th Division. Killed in action near Hindenburg Line east of Ronssoy, France, September 29, 1918. Age 22.
Somme American Cemetery, Bony, France
Albert W Bell — Darien
Private, Co D, 110th Infantry, 28th Division. Killed in action near Varennes, France, September 26, 1918. Age 24.
Evergreen Hill Cemetery, Corfu, NY
Warren L Bignall — Elba
Private, Brenan School, U.S. Army. Died of pneumonia while attending training school in Chicago, Illinois, October 13, 1918. Age 31.
Cary Cemetery, Oakfield, NY
Carl E Bird — Alabama
Private, Co L, 147th Infantry, 37th Division. Killed in action near Ivoiry, France, September 29, 1918. Age 31.
Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery, Romagne, France
George K Botts — LeRoy
Private, Co G, 7th Infantry, 3rd Division. Killed in action near Fossoy, France, July 15, 1918. Age 23.
Oise-Aisne American Cemetery, Fere-en-Tardenois, France
William K Bray — Batavia
Private, 51st Co, 5th Regiment, 4th U.S. Marine Brigade, 2nd Division. Killed in action at Belleau Wood, France, June 11, 1918. Age 24.
Aisne-Marne American Cemetery, Belleau, France
Thomas A Brown — Batavia
Private First Class, Co L, 108th Infantry, 27th Division. Killed in action near Hindenburg Line east of Ronssoy, France, September 29, 1918. Age 24.
St. Joseph Cemetery, Batavia, NY
Frank Bruskofski — Darien
Private, 1st Casuals Co, Corps of Engineers. Died of pneumonia aboard Europe-bound troopship October 9, 1918. Age 30.
Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery, Romagne, France
George F Buchner — Alabama
Private, Btry A, 7th Field Artillery, 1st Division. Killed in action near Véry, France, October 5, 1918. Age 24.
Alabama Cemetery, Alabama, NY
Arthur L Calkins — Batavia
Corporal, Co I, 107th Infantry, 27th Division. Died October 10, 1918 of wounds received in action near Hindenburg Line east of Ronssoy, France. Age 23.
Somme American Cemetery, Bony, France
Florence V Carney — Batavia
Private, Co C, Ordnance Corps. Died of pneumonia at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, October 11, 1918. Age 28.
St. Joseph Cemetery, Batavia, NY
Warren D Charles — Oakfield
Private, Co G, 7th Infantry, 3rd Division. Killed in action near Cierges (Meuse), France, October 11, 1918. Age 23.
Siloam Cemetery, Freedom, NY
Cecelia J Cochran — LeRoy
Nurse volunteer, U.S. Public Health Service. Died of influenza and pneumonia in a military camp hospital, Huntsville, Alabama, October 15, 1918. Age 24.
St. Francis Cemetery, LeRoy, NY
Floyd B Cochran — Batavia
Private, Btry B, 147th Field Artillery, 32nd Division. Killed in action near St. Gilles, France, August 5, 1918. Age 30.
Oise-Aisne American Cemetery, Fere-en-Tardenois, France
Edward A Coyle — Darien
First Sergeant, Co H, 16th Infantry, 1st Division. Killed in action near Soissons, France, July 19, 1918. Distinguished Service Cross. Age 23.
Darien Center Cemetery, Darien, NY
Errol D Crittenden — LeRoy
Private, HQ Co, 312th Engineers, 87th Division. Died of pneumonia at Camp Grange-Neuve, Bordeaux, France, October 15, 1918. Age 31.
Machpelah Cemetery, LeRoy, NY
Robert Ivan Dexter — Batavia
Corporal, Co B, 309th Infantry, 78th Division. Died aboard homebound ship February 12, 1919, of pneumonia and wounds received in action near Grandpré, France. Age 25.
Millville Cemetery, Shelby, NY
Fiordinando Disimorne — Oakfield
Private, Co B, 309th Infantry, 78th Division. Killed in action near Grandpré, France, October 19, 1918. Age 24.
Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery, Romagne, France
Edward Howard Fay — Batavia/Byron
Private, Btry A, 82nd Field Artillery, 15th Cavalry Division. Died of influenza and pneumonia at Fort Bliss, El Paso, Texas, October 9, 1918. Age 20.
Evergreen Cemetery, Portland, NY
Leo A Fiorito — LeRoy
Private, Co I, 108th Infantry, 27th Division. Died of wounds near Poperinghe, Belgium, August 25, 1918. Age 25.
St. Francis Cemetery, LeRoy, NY
Albert H Gelonek — Batavia
Private, Co A, 59th Infantry, 4th Division. Died July 23, 1918, of wounds received in action near Courchamps (Aisne), France. Age 22.
Aisne-Marne American Cemetery, Belleau, France
Chasie M Good — Pembroke
Private, Co B, 309th Infantry, 78th Division. Killed in action near Grandpré, France, October 20, 1918. Age 32.
Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Alexander, NY
Clarence S Heale — Batavia
Private, Co E, 102nd Ammunition Train, 27th Division. Died of intestinal obstruction in a hospital at Camp de Souge, France, July 18, 1918. Age 19.
Grand View Cemetery, Batavia, NY
William Hyde — Batavia
Corporal, Co M, 108th Infantry, 27th Division. Killed in action at Duncan Post near Hindenburg Line east of Ronssoy, France, September 28, 1918. Age 23.
Elmwood Cemetery, Batavia, NY
Thomas C Illes — LeRoy
Private, Co G, 74th NY Infantry. Killed when struck by a trolley in Buffalo, New York, September 8, 1917. Age 22.
Machpelah Cemetery, LeRoy, NY
Ralph R Johncox — Batavia/Alexander
Private First Class, Co A, 108th Infantry, 27th Division. Died September 29, 1918 of wounds received in action near Hindenburg Line east of Ronssoy, France. Age 22.
Somme American Cemetery, Bony, France
Edward L Kaine — LeRoy/Pavilion
Private, Co B, 59th Infantry, 4th Division. Died of pneumonia in a hospital at Aix-les-Bains, France, November 9, 1918. Age 28.
St. Francis Cemetery, LeRoy, NY
James E Keable — Batavia
Private First Class, Co A, 108th Infantry, 27th Division. Died October 3, 1918 of wounds received in action near Hindenburg Line east of Ronssoy, France. Age 25.
Mount Olivet Cemetery, Brockport, NY
Fred N Kiernan — Batavia
Private, Co E, 311th Infantry, 78th Division. Killed in action near Grandpré, France, October 18, 1918. Age 27.
Mount Olivet Cemetery, Kenmore, NY
Leon F Kingdon — Stafford
Private, Co L, 148th Infantry, 37th Division. Died November 1, 1918 of wounds received in action near Cruyshautem, Flanders, Belgium. Age 27.
Flanders Field American Cemetery, Waregem, Belgium
John Kirkpatrick — Stafford
Corporal, Co I, 4th Infantry, 3rd Division. Killed in action near Nogentel, France, July 20, 1918. Age 21.
Aisne-Marne American Cemetery, Belleau, France
Harold T Lay — Batavia
Private, Co I, 106th Infantry, 27th Division. Died of pneumonia in an Army hospital at Rouen, France, October 25, 1918. Age 27.
Somme American Cemetery, Bony, France
Clarence E Lear — Batavia
Private, Co B, 309th Infantry, 78th Division. Killed in action near Grandpré, France, October 19, 1918. Age 24.
Elmwood Cemetery, Batavia, NY
Glenn S Loomis — Batavia
Private, 17th Co, 5th Regiment, 4th U.S. Marine Brigade, 2nd Division. Killed in action at Belleau Wood, France, June 7, 1918. Age 23.
Elmwood Cemetery, Batavia, NY
Harold R Lortz — Batavia
Seaman Second Class, U.S. Naval Reserve Force. Died of pneumonia at Eastleigh Naval Aviation Repair Base, England, October 21, 1918. Age 21.
Batavia Cemetery, Batavia, NY
Hiram G Luhman — Oakfield
Private, 23rd Co, 6th Machine Gun Battalion, 4th U.S. Marine Brigade, 2nd Division. Died June 19, 1918 of wounds received in action at Belleau Wood, France. Age 18.
Greenwood Cemetery, Allentown, PA
Percy Luttrell — LeRoy
Private, Co A, 108th Infantry, 27th Division. Died of pneumonia and wounds in a hospital at Rouen, France, November 4, 1918. Age 28.
Somme American Cemetery, Bony, France
Joseph A Maher — Batavia
Private, Army Air Service. Died from injuries in an auto accident near Camp John Wise, Texas, September 21, 1918. Age 24.
St. Joseph Cemetery, Batavia, NY
Lester H Merrill — Byron
Private First Class, Co C, 325th Infantry, 82nd Division. Killed in action near St. Juvin, France, October 15 or 25, 1918. Age 24.
North Byron Cemetery, Byron, NY
Patrick Molyneaux — LeRoy
Private, Co A, 59th Infantry, 4th Division. Killed in action near the Bois de Brieulles, France, September 30, 1918. Age 29.
Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery, Romagne, France
Edgar R Murrell — LeRoy
Private, Btry D, 307th Field Artillery, 78th Division. Died of pneumonia and diphtheria in a military hospital near Winchester, England, March 29, 1918. Age 27.
Brookwood American Cemetery, Brookwood, England
Carl J Nielson — Elba
Private First Class, Co C, 108th Infantry, 27th Division. Killed in action near Hindenburg Line near Bony, France, September 29, 1918. Age 22.
Arlington National Cemetery, Washington DC
Walter F Owens — Pembroke
Private, Co C, 325th Infantry, 82nd Division. Killed in action near Cornay, France, October 10, 1918. Age 27.
Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery, Romagne, France
Willis C Peck — Batavia
Coxswain, U.S. Navy. Died of tuberculosis at U.S. Naval Hospital in Newport, Rhode Island, March 31, 1918. Age 25.
Elmwood Cemetery, Batavia, NY
Homer L Peckham — Batavia
Sergeant, HQ, 153rd Field Artillery Brigade, 78th Division. Died of pneumonia and nephritis in an Army hospital in Dijon, France, February 9, 1919. Age 26.
St. Mihiel American Cemetery, Thiacourt, France
Dr Victor M Rice — Batavia
Captain, Co 21, Army Medical Officers Training Corps. Died of pneumonia at Camp Greenleaf Hospital, Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia, October 13, 1918. Age 37.
Grand View Cemetery, Batavia, NY
George F Ripton — LeRoy
Private, Co C, 3rd Provisional Battalion, Engineers. Died of influenza and pneumonia at Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indiana, October 10, 1918. Age 28.
St. Francis Cemetery, LeRoy, NY
Philip Rocket — Oakfield
Private, Co K, 60th Infantry, 5th Division. Killed in action near Cunel, France, October 12, 1918. Age 31.
Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery, Romagne, France
Dewey Sackett — Bergen
Wagoner, Co B, 304th Machine Gun Battalion, 77th Division. Died November 4, 1918, of wounds received in action near Grandpré, France. Age 22.
Mount Rest Cemetery, Bergen, NY
Peter J Schlick — Batavia
Corporal, Co H, 18th Infantry, 1st Division. Killed in action near Exermont, France, October 4, 1918. Age 21.
Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery, Romagne, France
Wesley R Shamp — Alexander
Private, Btry F, 36th Field Artillery, 12th Division. Died of pneumonia at Camp McClellan, Alabama, January 21, 1919. Age 21.
East Oakfield Cemetery, Oakfield, NY
James Silve — Batavia
Private, Co C, 70th Engineers. Died of pneumonia at Fort Douglas, Utah, October 21, 1918. Age 25.
St. Joseph Cemetery, Batavia, NY
Alvin A Smith — LeRoy/Stafford
Private, Co A, 108th Infantry, 27th Division. Killed in action near Hindenburg Line east of Ronssoy, France, September 29, 1918. Age 17.
Morganville Village Cemetery, Stafford, NY
Leonard C Snyder — Batavia
Private, Co F, 4th Infantry, 3rd Division. Died August 2, 1918 of wounds received in action near Le Charmel, France. Age 20.
Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery, Romagne, France
Robert S Spencer — Batavia
Private, 23rd Co, 6th Machine Gun Battalion, 4th U.S. Marine Brigade, 2nd Division. Killed in action at Belleau Wood, France, June 10, 1918. Age 22.
Grand View Cemetery, Batavia, NY
Glen C Sprague — Batavia
Private First Class, Co A, 108th Infantry, 27th Division. Killed in action near St. Souplet, France, October 17, 1918. Age 28.
Somme American Cemetery, Bony, France
Ira Spring — Alabama/Tonawanda Reservation
Private First Class, Co F, 147th Infantry, 37th Division. Killed in action near Ancerviller, France, August 9, 1918. Age 26.
Four Corners Cemetery, Alabama, NY
Elva C Springer — Batavia
Corporal, 83rd Co, 6th Regiment, 4th U.S. Marine Brigade, 2nd Division. Died November 2, 1918, of wounds received in action near Landres-et-Saint Georges, France. Age 20.
Head of the River Cemetery, Estell Manor, NJ
Stanislaw Stanek — Batavia
Private, Co F, 108th Infantry, 27th Division. Killed in action near Hindenburg Line east of Ronssoy, France, September 29, 1918. Age 25.
Somme American Cemetery, Bony, France
Charles E Votrie — Batavia
Private First Class, Co B, 59th Infantry, 4th Division. Killed in action near Bazoches, France, August 11, 1918. Age 31.
Oise-Aisne American Cemetery, Fere-en-Tardenois France
Samuel G Welch — Corfu
Private First Class, Co D, 108th Infantry, 27th Division. Killed in action near Hindenburg Line at Bony, France, September 29, 1918. Age 20.
Evergreen Hill Cemetery, Corfu, NY
Walter D White — Byron
Private, Co B, 309th Infantry, 78th Division. Died November 9, 1918, of wounds received in action near St. Juvin, France. Distinguished Service Cross. Age 27.
Byron Cemetery, Byron, NY
John R Wilder — LeRoy
Sergeant, 50th Aero Squadron, U.S. Signal Corps. Died of pneumonia in an Army hospital at Baltimore, Maryland, January 11, 1918. Age 27.
Machpelah Cemetery, LeRoy, NY
Guide to Genesee County WWI Honor Roll Grave Locations
Click image for a table listing GPS coordinates to all U.S. graves on this honor roll, and the plot/row locations of all graves in overseas American cemeteries. Can be downloaded as a pdf file.
For information on the development of this honor roll, go to Background and Previously Published Genesee County Honor Rolls.
For information on individuals that were listed on one or more of the previous county rolls, but not included on this updated Genesee County WWI roll, go to Others Listed From Previous Genesee County Honor Rolls.